Are you dealing with the heartbreak of

Another Disappointing Date?

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Hand Pressed Flora
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A Good Woman's Guide to Bad Relationships

Have you spent too much time in an unfulfulling, emotionally distant relationship?

Have you just gotten out of yet another bad relationship with someone who was manipulating you?

Are you looking for love and only finding selfish, immature, and dishonest partners?

Are you ready to give up on love?

Hand Drawn Sad Face Emoticon
Abstract Shape Illustration

You are in the right place!

Here's how it usually goes with dating today:

Match on a dating app - Meet for coffee - Get stood up - Meet friend's bf's brother - Get a call - Go out -

Fight him off after dinner- Get 28 angry texts - Get a call from friend - Swear off dating - Get lonely - Feel sad -

Download app - Play sad Taylor Swift songs- See a cute couple - Start over... maybe get unhappily married for ten years...

Ballpoint Pen


You can upgrade your


Boho Flowers Decoration

Learn more about the dynamics of your current relationship- is it healthy?

There's a quiz for that!

Learn some of the biggest hidden red flags, warning signs, and subtle tells that you should run away from.

(No matter how smooth or good looking they are!)

Know how to stay safe not just from manipulation and violence, but time-wasters, resource users,

and emotional immaturity.

Abstract Shape Illustration

I absolutely hate the helpless feeling of watching these women I love trying so hard, and yet doing all the things that don’t work, for all the men who don't appreciate them.

Modern Yellow Heart

Gathering this info can take years of research, a lot of tears, learning about psychology, practicing and failing, hard experience, and heartache. I have spoken to countless women discarded by a husband of twenty years for a younger women, wondering what to do now? Unprepared for the dating pool that they ate about to step into, they fall right into the hidden traps of experienced abusers and predators.

Now, I have daughters. I've watched mothers, sisters, friends and clients struggle with heartache, depression, anxiety, and self image while learning these lessons the hard way. I realized if someone had told me in the first place all the stuff in this book, it could have saved a lot of wasted time, a lot of tears,

and a lot of broken hearts.

Boho Brown Hearts
Boho Rainbow Hand Drawn

Included in this Giant Workbook:

300 Full color pages Giant Workbook and Journal

Checklists, Quizzes, Personality Tests

Red Flags, Survivor Advice

Self Awareness and Empowerment

Neurodivergence, Attachment Styles, Communication Styles

Boundaries, Boundaries, Boundaries

Identifying and Healing from Trauma

Learn what to look for in a potential partner

Don't date, Evaluate

Tools, Resources, and Guidelines for a healthy and fulfilling partnership

Know Your Worth: Encouragement and Self Care

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Abstract Irregular Shape

Don't lose another day! Start your journey to

Healthy, Romantic Relationships with

High Quality, Committed Partners.

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